
Trey songz tremaine 2015
Trey songz tremaine 2015

I thought this was going to be another fictional crush that I'll get over with in a week, but this was different. It all started in early October, the third Sunday of my 8th grade, when all of a sudden I started to form a crush on Elsa from Frozen. This article will get quite emotional since I'll be talking about my personal history regarding her and Frozen, but I just want to express why I'm a fan. Not to mention, I've been meaning to write an article about why I admire her, I just didn't know what to write in it.

trey songz tremaine 2015

I know the odds of that happening are very low, but I do have hope of one day meeting her.not necessarily through this article. Maybe if I write about why I look up to her, then she could acknowledge me. And sad because I wanted to meet/contact her for a long time. Happy because a young child finally met with the person he idolized. As someone who's also a huge fan of Idina Menzel, watching that little boy meeting her idol made me happy, and sad. And as a surprise, Idina Menzel was there too! I can just imagine how joyful that boy was. Recently, while surfing through Twitter, I bumped into a tweet by Ellen Degeneres where she interviewed a young boy who was a big fan of Idina Menzel. Probably the best-looking 46 year-old person I know of, which is fitting for the glamorous authority she voices.

Trey songz tremaine 2015